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  • What is your shipping policy?
    You can view our shipping policy by clicking on POLICIES at the bottom of the page!
  • What shipping address?...
    DON'T FORGET TO DOUBLE CHECK THE SHIPPING ADDRESS! Shipping labels are automatically printed using the shipping address you have registered with us, so be sure to check your address before placing your order. * If you want to send your gift order directly to the recipient, please edit the "ship to address" before completing your purchase. If your order is delivered to the wrong, or an incomplete address, you'll need to pay any fees associated with re-shipping it to you.
  • What if I'm allergic to an ingredient in your product...but I must have it anyway?
    PERSONALIZATION: If you have allergies or sensitivities, we are happy to work with you to provide a formula that works for you. Feel free to send us an email ( with your request. If you would like us to call you, please include your contact info. 🤗
  • I have a shop/store/studio that I would love to carry your products in....
    We ARE accepting wholesale accounts at this time. Please email us ( to discuss all available options.
  • What are your payment options?
    Tatted UPkeep wants to make your shopping experience as fun and exciting as we can...that includes making it easy for you to check out. Payment methods accepted from all of our awesome e-commerce customers are PayPal, Apple Pay, VISA, Master Card, Discover, American Express, JCB and Diners Club. If we meet here locally at a festival, expo, a home party or just down at the lake, we will also totally accept your good ol greenbacks! 😁
  • I need to change my order....
    NEED TO AMEND OR CANCEL YOUR ORDER?: Contact us via email ( no later than 24 hours after placing your order. After this time, your order is already being customized so we may not able to cancel it for you.
  • Shipping in hot/freezing does that work?
    SUMMERTIME SHIPPING: We at Tatted UPkeep proudly use NO chemical stabilizers in our products. Everything is natural, which makes it vulnerable to extreme weather. Heat is the enemy of hard butters and emulsions. With this in mind, shipping during hot weather may cause softening or melting, which may alter the texture of your product. Hard butters have a melting point of between 86-93 degrees, so they're likely to melt or soften in heat greater than these temperatures. If the product is soft or melted when you receive it, put it in the refrigerator for a bit so it can re-solidify. If the product is frozen, allow time for the product to heat up to room temperature (do NOT attempt to heat it up, let it warm naturally). Also, if our Tattoo Buttercream arrives melted, it may not appear full in the jar because it started out whipped with air and now the air has dissipated. You are not receiving less product; it is still the same amount you would have received in a full jar if the product had not melted. The good news is, melting or freezing does NOT negatively affect the wonderful skin nourishing benefits and the products are still completely safe to use. We always do our absolute best to get your products to you in the same condition as they are when they leave the lab. Therefore, in the warmer months, we only ship Mon-Wed, to lessen the time your order sits in a hot delivery truck. Upon delivery, we recommend a speedy retrieval from the heat to assure your products are in the best possible condition. Lastly, for those who don't want to take a chance on these possibilities, we do offer a shipping upgrade to Express Overnight shipping for an additional fee. We, unfortunately, cannot reship or offer any refunds for products that melt or freeze during shipping.
  • I need help with my custom order...
    MESSAGE ME WITH QUESTIONS!: Custom order requests and questions are always welcome, so please don't hesitate to message us here on the site, email ( or call (208-889-9233). We're happy to answer your questions.
  • What happens if my products are damaged during shipping?
    Luckily, we have yet to have any of our packages be received with broken/damaged items during transit. This is due to the high level of care in our packaging of your items. While our goal is to have zero damaged shipments, we do know that breakage may happen from time to time. In the rare event that 1 or more of your items arrive broken, the good news is, your package has shipping insurance!! Please take a picture of the box as you received it along with the shipping label, as well as a pic of the broken item inside the box with packaging, then just email those pics to and we will send a replacement out to you within 3 business days or sooner.
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